Viglink installation

Viglink installation

Viglink installation

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


                 International Public Advisory Committee -( I.P.A.C ) 

We make globalised integrated community for all kind of affected people in one roof. And
         We help to they.
         We supplied ,food and other  things.
         We discuss their demand and problems
         We consider their  require
         We protect all peoples and species.  
Having person help to help wanted.

1.we will help to helpless
2.we collect public opinion for entire world issues in our eagle view.
3.we encourage public in  world social awareness and helping activities.
4.we organize public debate in world all political and other affairs.
5.we made international peaceful moral society in future society.

6.we estabalish free councelling for all in personal and other.
7.we carried private decision to international observation.
Our  world is very big and giant-“it is old story” ,But, Now this situation our world is very!  Very! small –“it is scientific truth”, Our world communication system is simplified our world distance and social interaction. every man very easily around our world ,in minimum  hours. The human being new invention materials are touch to another planet, and scanned neighbor and farthest planet with other new planet of solar systems.
Now this situation, all countries are affected from many natural calamities, miracle phenomenal disaster ,earthquake, land slap, deforestation , forest firing, sand storm ,Tsunami, atomic bad atmospheres  heavy rain, starvation, storm with lightning ,accident, disease ,other all type of pollution and so many natural and un -natural factors. All human being , and all other species like animals, birds, reptiles, fishes, insects, etc are affected from these factors in each and every spark time.
Which specific factors are disturbed our society and affect human being and other species and which one is mostly affect in our society- “That is not a matter”, but, above said all factors are  time to time disturbed our society in all human being and species. Because, our world is affect from many natural /un natural changes. All artificial and natural changes are quickly observed in sky, cloud and air in very fast. but ,our land and sea is taken some time for changes. All changes are calculated in scientific formula, definitely all changes are not in calculated, normal changes  or gradual changes, sudden giant changes are time to time predominated in our earth and sky and sky. but, our world nation only calculated human being loss with affect only. They  not calculated affect of bird, animals, reptiles, fishes, and other insects losses in every spark time.........  
In our world,list out in frequently affected country and un frequently affected country from natural disaster  of natural phenamina,like japan,indonesia,chili,philiphines ,china,new zealand, india, are mostly affected frim earth quake,Tsunami,and different name  of cyclone ,storm, and poverty .especially in african countries are affected from atarvation ,and many countries are affected from internal war,like , srilanka ,tibeth,palastean,afghanistan,north and south korea,rwanda,brundi,nigeria,libyya,siriya, and many arab countries    
   All losses are affect in low level income people /poverty  people and un-knowing all innocent species ,every human being action is strongly and disturbed in other species status .but, human being not knowing their wrong doing action in all places.
Our world is having very minimum strength of peoples, but other animals, birds, insects, reptiles,fishes, etc .. strength is very very huge level ,but  that spicies bad luck that all  are affected from human being wrongful action/activities,that is measured ,pollution,  deforestation,oxidization, etc…   
we  invite public advisors for our ipac.Joining member given theire original profile with other valuable article with photos,we keep very safely and our ipac  recognised membership.Thereafter our ipac given one authenticated code number for member.

                               “  WHO IS HELP TO ALL
                                  WE WILL TRY TO HELP TO ALL”

Killing animal ,and other, that all are acted from human being bad activities. But ,not affected human being only ,definitely ,all species are affected.
So, all human being activities are will be counted from government or private agencies in present and future. Many  countries are not deeply watched social changes like ,el nino , earthquake, cyclone, spread acid rays, one or few countries only watched all of them.
    But, No one country ,don’t watch each and every human being personal  immoral activities. lunatic and indecent persons are wrongly  handed scientific instruments  and metals with chemicals and others, but, all are affect from artiphysical ruins
  Definitely every action should be naturally invite new opposite neither moral or immoral actions ( by e.serans).(so ,all human being activities are will be watched from public awareness committee. If ,don’t watch every human being action in present or future definitely our entire world is affect from many un natural phenomena.
  Now this situation  which one country is affect from many natural and un natural disaster of earth quake ,cyclone ,etc…definitely all countries are  deeply affected from many disease and other phenomena .
    Rich or poorer are suddenly throw on the street , all diseases or sudden instant are not consider poor or rich. “their  future is marked in many question marks.”  
        All street standing peoples immediately want help from  society or neighbour .but, very little percentage of people are  get minimum help .In mean time helping countries are affect from any other instant disaster ,like nature or man made ,that countries are not concentrated others demand and requirement. They consider there own countries needs and remedies.
       So, at presently  global interaction activities is very essential factors of our society, and global help is will be expected in all countries from other.
     All nation living peoples are murmuring in words of globalization, they expect global thought, global unity, global observation, global communication, global health & wealth, globalised  peaceful life strata.  All nation living  people are expected good will thought with global co operation and global help activities.
    In this situation, many countries are taken some precautionary measurement , in few countries are try to precautionary activities in many places of there country. But, mostly countries are not taken necessary steps of  precautionary measurement in theirs. For example; The  Japan and ,Indonesia ,is frequently affect from natural calamities of  serious earth quake and tsunami. Mostly people are affect and loss there life .But, japan or Indonesia government not shifted  that area people in other place or other country ,Again and  again , affected  people are live that place, due to ……………………………………………………………..
Because ,affected people’s asylum activities are very very essential fact  of our society.
     Japanese ,Indonesians ,philiphines  and other country people living very seriously affected from natural calamities, so , immediate replacement of living peoples any other places like there own country or neighbour ,or other country.
 All expectable affect people are     

    we are from india.we generate on "international public advisory committee" for social service activities.we collect public opinion  for world affairs of all world issues,and gather public opinion for world day by day actvities ,like war situation,pollution observation ,chronical desese,and expecially in disaster of earth quake,tsunamy,land slap,and ...etc.We collect articles from scholars and well experienced person with high educated students.So,we want donation from helper,
     yes,our motto is "HELP  TO HELPLESS"
expect favble reply.
                                                                      thank you
                                                                  service trust
    we are from india.we generate on "international public advisory committee" for social service activities.we collect public opinion  for world affairs of all world issues,and we gather public opinion for" How do create new world for future generation",like How to product public from internal country  war situation,pollution observation ,chronical desese,and expecially in frequent ruin or disaster of earth quake,tsunami,land slap,cyclone,poverty  and ...etc.We collect articles from scholars and well experienced person with high educated students.mostly persons are recommend to our society in one guide line ,who peoples are frequently affect in one place,expectable affect  are totally shipted to other place or safety country.yes,our motto is "HELP  TO HELPLESS" So,we want donation from helper to helpless.
WHERE I REQUEST MAXIMUM DONATION in capital donation AND OTHER co related details.
expect favble reply.
                                                                      thank you
                                                                  service trust